What's belief got to do with success?

Anna Green
Feb 25, 2021
Have you ever wondered why some people see great success in the direct sales industry and others don't?

It's all about belief.

The more you believe you can do something, the more likely you are to have the right attitude to succeed at it.

Belief is an amazing thing. Belief in the products or service, belief in the company, belief in your abilities, belief in yourself. It all makes a difference.

The more belief you have, the better the chances of a successful outcome.

Belief is a flexible thing. You can increase and decrease the amount of belief you have.

So how can you get more belief?

If you do something and it goes well, your belief will increase. You'll know that you are capable of doing that thing. So the next time you do it, your belief that it will work is stronger. Each time you have a success, that belief increases and builds your confidence. Eventually that belief is then strong enough to do a little bit more or go a little bit further towards the edge of your comfort zone.

Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Your cheerleaders. Those people who motivate you and inspire you to do well. If you hang around with positive people who have lots of belief in you and in themselves it will rub off on you. Distance yourself from those that bring you down, and if you can't, limit how much you talk to them about your business.

Learn to switch off or dial down that voice in your head that tells you you can't.
Is it really true that you can't do something? We tell ourselves this all the time. Would you tell someone else that they can't do something like you tell yourself? Certainly not! Then why do we do this to ourselves?
This is a big one to overcome and changing your internal monologue takes time. There's all sorts of books and podcasts you can read on this. Get Out of Your Own Way by Alan Hester is a fabulous example.

Start believing. If you believe you can, you are half way there.

Anna xx

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