5 Actions you can take this week to move your direct sales business forward

Anna Green
Jan 28, 2021
Need some prompts for actions you can take to build your business this week? Here are five things you can do over the next few days to build your business.

1. Post a Social Saturday on your Facebook group. What interesting thing can you share about what you're up to this weekend? Make sure you ask them to share what they are up to. Questions create engagement and these styles of posts get them knowing about you and you finding out what floats your customers' boat.

2. Send out 5 thank yous. Either messages to say thanks for liking my page, my group, my posts or thanks for your order, your support, etc. Conversations create opportunities.

3. Share a review or ask for a review. People are more likely to buy from someone else's experience than a sales pitch.

4. Share a photo of your favourite product and tell people why you love it so much. Stories sell.

5. Talk about why you do what you do. Why you love being a direct sales consultant. Why you joined the business. What you have got out of it so far? The difference it has made. The freebies you have received. The recognition, the support. Go live, share a selfie, a pic of certificates. Someone else may want what you have and be interested.

The more actions you take, the more success you will have.

For more tips and support make sure you're following my Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups.annagreenonline

Or if you're on Apple why not connect with me over on Clubhouse. I'm hoping to start a weekly room on there offering free training on different subjects each week. Find me by searching @annagreenonline 

Anna xx