A Day in the Life of a Direct Selling Consultant

Anna Green
Jan 7, 2021
So what's it like being a Direct Sales trainer and party plan rep? Let me take you through an average day in my working week.

I'm up with my teenage children at 7am. They're 18 and 14 so pretty much get themselves organised and ready for their days without much input from me. I grab myself a coffee, feed the dogs, cat and rabbit, and get ready for my day.

My mornings are spent following up with customers, team and clients, networking on social media and at business networking meetings. I'll get my admin and cleaning done too.
Lunchtime and it's chance to walk the dogs and get out of the office. I'll often head to the village shops and post office too.

My most creative time of day is mid to late afternoon so this is when I create social media content, courses and training. Trying to do this in a morning just doesn't work. I've learned to move my day around to make the most of times when I am motivated to do certain things. It really helps stop procrastination and make me so much more productive.

Tea time and family time with the kids - time off from work! Then on to either an online event or zoom training with the team or The Success Lounge members. I aim to keep 3-4 evenings a week free for family.

My days sound jam packed full of work but I break my days with time for me, for my family and for the things I love to do. I probably work about 6 hours a day between both businesses with most weekends off now. It's taken me a few years to find the right work/life balance for me.

Find out more about me and my businesses by finding me on Facebook.