3 Great Games You Can Play at Your Next Online Event

Anna Green
Dec 17, 2020
It can be difficult coming up with new, fun games to play at your online events or in your customer group. Here are three of my favourites to play. They always go down well and can be adapted to suit your business and products.

Scavenger Hunt
This one is so much fun! Send your guests round their home looking for items beginning with the first letter of their name. They then need to comment with a photo of all the items. You can do this just for fun, to start conversations or offer a prize - randomly picked or for the most inventive/funniest/etc.

Change it up a little for next time by altering the task. How about searching for items that start with your company name? Your name? As many items as they can find in the one room they are currently in?

Rainbow Hunt
Similar idea to the last one - my customers love it! Find 7 items for the 7 colours of the rainbow. That's 7 different items. A bunch of coloured pencils will not win here! One item red, one item orange, one item yellow and so on. Do a draw the same as the above game or pick a winner based on how inventive/funny/etc.

Product Bingo
Everyone loves a game of bingo. It's such a fun, interactive game. There are so many variations you can use to make it different if you want to. I'd recommend product bingo.

Ask your guests to pick products from a list you have created previously. I usually ask them to pick 6 but it is entirely up to you how many you want them to choose. You then call out the products from your list at random and the first to cross off their whole list is the winner.

Let your guests know what time bingo is about to start and how to join in. I've ran them via a Facebook live before, just make sure you give plenty of time for the comments to catch up with you between drawing each number/product.

You can also run bingo on a Facebook post. Decide what time you are going to start the game and ask participants to comment on the post when they have their bingo list written down. Ask them to check that their notifications are turned on for that particular post. At the allotted time you announce in the comments that you are starting and ask your players if they're ready and to comment BINGO when they've crossed off all the products from their list. You then "call out" the first product at random by commenting on the same post. At short intervals you comment with the next product, then the next and so on. Keep going until someone comments BINGO.

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