Scared of Rejection? Afraid of Getting a No?

Anna Green
Dec 10, 2020
I remember when I first started in direct sales. I loved selling the products, I loved meeting people, I was great at talking to my customers but I hated asking people to buy. I avoided following up with customers as I worried they'd say no. I didn't ask friends to host parties or to join the business as I felt I was pestering them.

Sounds familiar?

Most of us feel like this at some point in our direct selling careers.

What if I told you there was a way that you could talk about your business to friends, family and potential customers that didn't make you feel spammy? That didn't make you feel like you were pestering? That didn't give you that feeling you were going to get rejected?

Well here it is!

Stop asking and start offering. Stop selling and start serving.

It's as simple as that.

When you ask someone something and they say no, they say no to you. It hurts. It's a personal rejection. When you offer someone a solution to a problem they have, they say no to your solution not to you so it hurts less. It's not personal any more. If they don't want the solution you are offering, that is fine. It's their choice.

When you sell to someone it can come across as spammy, and again, you feel that rejection when they say no to the sale. Look at your direct sales business as you serving your customers. Helping them and providing something they need. Serve your community.

As you start to serve and offer rather than sell you will see you word your messages differently. You'll talk to your customers in a way that makes them feel good about being your customer. They'll feel like you help them and you're there for them. They'll respond better to your follow up and customer service calls and messages as your focus will have shifted to what is in it for them, not you. There'll be far less worries about rejection or pestering.

For more help on serving and offering through follow up and customer service come and join The Success Lounge where you can take the mini course on this subject.

And please subscribe to my newsletter for direct sales training straight to your inbox.

Anna xx